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Youth exchange
Zakopane, POLAND
September/December 2014.
12+12 participants

Ecology is one of the most important matters in our quickly changing world. Focusing on exploitation its potential in a responsible way allows to achieve more benefits for future generations. „With the South of Europe Together Towards Ecology” will teach young participants from three countries of southern Europe - as well as the Polish - responsibility for the environment and the world, which is our common heritage. Environmental education - in any form - is the first step in realizing how important each of us individually and all together in groups and in our societies are for developing protection and implementing initiatives. The European Union should develop cooperation and education of young people who can be an example for the rest of the world how to handle our natural wealth. Participants will be sensitized for the necesity of rethinking their actions in everyday life and pointing societies problems affecting the deteriorating state of the environment. Project will be implemented in 2 Actions:

1. Recycling as one of the ways to better management of resources

2. Renewable energy key to future

Participants will be sentisized to the utility of recycling and of using alternative energy sources (wind farms, hydropower plants, solars). It will also show the environmental aspects as a method for saving energy, resources and money, both as citizens, students, employees or independent entrepreneurs running their business in harmony with nature. Combining business with pleasure and environmental is possible. Project will also highlight aspects of international cooperation and programs within the European Union. All of activities will allow exchanging views, experiences, knowledge and competences acquired so far, not only in terms of ecology and caring for the environment, but also while promoting and creating active civil society in their countries. Participants through the exchange of ideas will show one another how some of the issues look in their countries – members of European Union and will strenghten international cooperation on many levels.

Training course
Ploiesti ROMANIA
September 2014.
3 participants

The aim of the project is to increase youth awareness on global issues, the impact that these global issues have on their lives and their communities and to propose, through educational materials a model of action at individual , community and global 30 teachers, managers of NGO’s , volunteers , youth workers , youth leaders will interact during 8 days in order to achieve a best practice model regarding education , that can be transferred to the educational system in order to reorientate education towards sustainable Non-formal activities and methods that will be used and the guidance of two trainers from Romania will help participants to develop future-oriented thinking, their abilities, attitudes and values that will help them to work together and act for change.


The Youthpass certificate will validate the key competencies obtained by the participants in The "ESD Go On!" project helps at building and strengthening positive attitudes towards global development and of a “planetary'' consciousness, increasing the young people's active involvement in the global development of the world.

Training course
Denizli, TURKEY
July 2014.
3 participants

Themes of the partnership building seminar:
To make a partnership building seminar between EU countries in order to strengthen the cooperation between these countries and create high quality EVS projects among representatives of presented organisations. Foster the quality of inclusion part clear and understandable for different actors with special focus on prepare, run and evaluate EVS projects among EU countries.
The overall aim of the partnership building seminar is to prepare youth workers, mentors, sending coordinators, EVS coordinators for being aware and raising understanding about quality aspects of inclusion within EVS projects according to proposals of Youth in Action (Erasmus+) programme with special focus on EU countries. To clarify the role of young people with fewer opportunities in the planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation and follow up process focusing on their personal, educational and professional development. To develop competences of host organisations in order to make qualitative EVS host projects in corporation with the all actors as volunteer, sending organisation and coordinator organisation.
Learning objectives of the partnership building seminar are:
- To clarify the challenges of European Voluntary Service regarding to inclusion strategies of host and sending organisations;
- To raise awareness and learn the ways to ensure active participation of young volunteer with fewer opportunities during planning, preparation, implementation and evaluation of EVS projects;
- To strengthen the cooperation between mentors, sending coordinators and representatives of coordinator organisation between EU countries;
- To prepare qualitative European Voluntary Service projects with special focus on inclusion;
- To reflect on participants’ experiences and create recommendations for management of next projects within the programme “YOUTH in ACTION” (Erasmus+).

Project will be implemented from March till November 2014. All of participants should be engaged in their local communities life: members of youth councils. Main aim of our project is to empower young people and encourage them to participate in open coordination process and make an influence on shape of youth policy. We want to  show them how their actions can influence on their surroundings. During the project we also want to show good practices of youth projects to wider audiences. We want to highlight that youngsters are a resource of positive changes. We will work out during our project on ‘list of wishes’ what’s important for young people, what support they expect etc. The project’s main aim include also the increasing of youth’s knowledge about democracy, youth policy and social activity and youth inclusion in the process of political decision making. During the project young people will be preparing themselves for participation in Youth Councils. The project will lead to carrying out numerous workshops concerning civic society and mobilization of excluded persons. Furthermore, young people from different youth councils are going to prepare a diagnose of the situation of youth and youth policy.

Youth democracy projects
Gdansk, POLAND
June/July 2014.
3 participants
Training course
May 2014.
2 participants
Training course
Nicosia, CYPRUS
MAY 2014.
2 participants
Training course
Dilijan, ARMENIA
March 2014.
3 participants
Bratislava, SLOVAKIA
December 2013.
12 participants
Training course
August 2013.
Trainig course
Santa Lucia, Gran Canaria, SPAIN
July 2013.
4 participants


"A list of all the projects that the Association of Youth pharina participated.                                                                                                                      


TC „Get Involved“, Sofia, Bulgaria, March 2011.

TC „Human Rights in Crisis“, Dilijan, Armenia, June 2012.

TC "Spice up your future", Valencia, Spain, December, 2012.

TC „Formed Culture“, Izmir, Turkey, August 2012.

TC „Sharing Best Practices For Inclusive Growth“, Yerevan, Armenia, March, 2013

TC „Young people improving our society“, Santa Lucia, Gran Canaria, July 2013

TC “Aim Higher: Promoting Safety and Quality in Youth Projects”, Worcester, UK, August 2013.

TC "Create your future", Georgia, October 2013.

TC "Responsible Citizens of Intercultural Europe", Georgia, October 2013.

TC “East-West Dynamo! empowering youth across borders”, Armenia, Gyumri, October 2013.

TC “European Citizenship For ALL ”, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, October 2013.

„Model European Union – Bratislava“, Slovakia, December 2013.

TC “Relax is coll“, Bergen, Norway, January 2014.

TC „See a game“, Dilijan, Armenia, March 2014.

TC „Youth initiatives for social engagement“, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 2014.

TC „Run the world“, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 2014.

TC „Respect difference, promote stable Europe“, Kobuleti, Georgia, May 2014.

TC „Entreprenaurship“, Erfurt, Germany, May, 2014.

"World Conference on Youth 2014", Colombo, Sri Lanka, May 2014.

TC "GAP's New Face: Women", Urfa, Turkey, May 2014

YDP "Youth councils for democracy", Gdansk, Poland, June 2014.

TC "Volunteerism" Is Insurance of Europe", Denzili, Turkey, July 2014.

TC “ESD Go On”, Ploesti, Romania, September 2014.

YE "With the South od Europe Together Towards Ecology", Zakopane, Poland, September 2014.

TC "Man in the Mirror", Gent, Belgium, October 2014.

“2nd European Youth Conference: Strengthening the Recognition of Non-formal Education in European Youth Work”, Weimar, Germany, October 2014.

TC "Me, Men, Women in Today Society", Larnanca, Cyprus, October 2014.

Seminar "A Step in the RIGHT Direction", Linz, Austria, December 2014.


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